2024 國醫節學術活暨換屆典禮晚宴
Academic Activities and Inauguration Ceremony Dinner
日期:2024年3月17 日 周日
Date: Sunday, March 17, 2024
時間:學術會議 美東早上 9 點 ~ 下午 4 點
換屆典禮晚宴 美東晚上 6 點 ~ 晚上 9 點
Time: Academic Conference: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Eastern Time
Inauguration Ceremony Dinner: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Eastern Time
地點:法拉盛喜來登酒店 Sheraton La Guardia East Hotel
Location: Sheraton La Guardia East Hotel, Flushing
學分: 6 NCCAOM 教育學分
Credits: 6 NCCAOM Education Credits
收費:ATCMS會員 $170(早鳥$120)
非ATCMS會員 $250(早鳥$180)
晚宴* $50/每人
早鳥優惠截止 3/12 11:59 PM
Fees:ATCMS Members: $170 (Early Bird: $120)
Non-ATCMS Members: $250 (Early Bird: $180)
Students: $80 (Student ID required, no credits)
Dinner*: $50 per person
Early Bird Ends: 3/12 11:59PM
* 凡報名參加晚宴的學員:
可以參加3/18/2024 週日晚上的「 針灸臨床常見安全問題(Acupuncture Safety)」錄像回放,並獲得 2 NCCAOM 教育學分。
講員:Stephen D. Kaplan, BA, MSTCM, DTCM, LAC
時間:2024年3月18日 美東時間週一晚上8點~10點
地點:ATCMS Zoom 平台
*Participants attending the dinner:
You can attend the replay of "Acupuncture Safety" on Sunday, March 18, 2024, and earn 2 NCCAOM Education Credits.
Speaker: Stephen D. Kaplan, BA, MSTCM, DTCM, LAC
Time: Monday, March 18, 2024, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Eastern Time
Location: ATCMS Zoom Platform
Date: Sunday, March 17, 2024
時間:學術會議 美東早上 9 點 ~ 下午 4 點
換屆典禮晚宴 美東晚上 6 點 ~ 晚上 9 點
Time: Academic Conference: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Eastern Time
Inauguration Ceremony Dinner: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Eastern Time
地點:法拉盛喜來登酒店 Sheraton La Guardia East Hotel
Location: Sheraton La Guardia East Hotel, Flushing
學分: 6 NCCAOM 教育學分
Credits: 6 NCCAOM Education Credits
收費:ATCMS會員 $170(早鳥$120)
非ATCMS會員 $250(早鳥$180)
晚宴* $50/每人
早鳥優惠截止 3/12 11:59 PM
Fees:ATCMS Members: $170 (Early Bird: $120)
Non-ATCMS Members: $250 (Early Bird: $180)
Students: $80 (Student ID required, no credits)
Dinner*: $50 per person
Early Bird Ends: 3/12 11:59PM
* 凡報名參加晚宴的學員:
可以參加3/18/2024 週日晚上的「 針灸臨床常見安全問題(Acupuncture Safety)」錄像回放,並獲得 2 NCCAOM 教育學分。
講員:Stephen D. Kaplan, BA, MSTCM, DTCM, LAC
時間:2024年3月18日 美東時間週一晚上8點~10點
地點:ATCMS Zoom 平台
*Participants attending the dinner:
You can attend the replay of "Acupuncture Safety" on Sunday, March 18, 2024, and earn 2 NCCAOM Education Credits.
Speaker: Stephen D. Kaplan, BA, MSTCM, DTCM, LAC
Time: Monday, March 18, 2024, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Eastern Time
Location: ATCMS Zoom Platform
NCCAOM Course Participant Attestation
I understand that the information in this course presented by the Provider and/or Instructor(s) is for educational purposes only and should only be applied with appropriate clinical judgment and used by a trained and licensed practitioner. Governmental laws and regulations vary from region to region and the contents of this course vary in permissible usage. The participant is required to check their local, state, and federal laws and regulations regarding the practice requirements and scope of practice issues and the use of the information of this course including, but not limited to, theory, herbal medicine, and acupuncture. I acknowledge that NCCAOM does not endorse any specific treatment regimens of any kind. Furthermore, if I use any modalities or treatments taught in this course, I agree to waive, release, indemnify, discharge, and covenant not to sue NCCAOM from and against any liability, claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever, arising out of any injury, loss, or damage that a person may sustain related to the use of the information in this course. I understand that this Release is governed by the laws of District of Columbia, U.S.A. and shall survive the termination or expiration of this course.
I understand that the information in this course presented by the Provider and/or Instructor(s) is for educational purposes only and should only be applied with appropriate clinical judgment and used by a trained and licensed practitioner. Governmental laws and regulations vary from region to region and the contents of this course vary in permissible usage. The participant is required to check their local, state, and federal laws and regulations regarding the practice requirements and scope of practice issues and the use of the information of this course including, but not limited to, theory, herbal medicine, and acupuncture. I acknowledge that NCCAOM does not endorse any specific treatment regimens of any kind. Furthermore, if I use any modalities or treatments taught in this course, I agree to waive, release, indemnify, discharge, and covenant not to sue NCCAOM from and against any liability, claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever, arising out of any injury, loss, or damage that a person may sustain related to the use of the information in this course. I understand that this Release is governed by the laws of District of Columbia, U.S.A. and shall survive the termination or expiration of this course.
美国中医药针灸学会将于3月17日国医节当天举办以生殖系统障碍的中西医的临床治疗经验分享的讲座。本次讲员是由学会副会长刘宏伟博士,学会前副会长郑国平博士及西医当纲。他们的题目依次为:1、男性不育的中医针灸治疗;2. 以肾为本的中医新调周法治疗不孕症;3,西医IVF 讲解。为满足大家对针灸实操的要求,特别安排了学会第7届会长王少白 教授 的劫刺法的实际操作演示一一某些"疑难病"的治疗思路。
晚上将举行学会成立17周年和换届典礼晚宴,届时有抽奖和文艺演出, 欢迎大家参加并展现您的才艺。请把时间留给我们。
The American Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Society will hold a seminar on the clinical treatment experience of reproductive system disorders in Chinese and Western medicine on the day of the National Medicine Festival on March 17th. The speakers for this seminar are Dr. Liu Hongwei, Vice President of the American Traditional Chinese Medicine Society, Dr. Zheng Guoping, former Vice President of the American Traditional Chinese Medicine Society, and a Western medicine expert. Their topics are as follows: 1. Acupuncture treatment of male infertility; 2. Treatment of infertility with a new kidney-based Chinese medicine adjustment method; 3. Explanation of Western medicine IVF. To meet everyone's demand for acupuncture practice, a practical demonstration of the "Jie Ci Method" by Professor Wang Shaobai, the 7th President of the Society, will be arranged to discuss the treatment ideas for certain "difficult diseases". In the evening, the Society's 17th anniversary and inauguration ceremony dinner will be held, featuring a lottery and cultural performances. Everyone is welcome to participate and showcase your talent. Please save the date for us.
1. 9:00am—10:30am 【男性不育的中医针灸治疗】 刘宏伟博士
2. 10:30am—12pm 【以肾为本的中医新调周法治疗不孕症】 郑国平博士
3. 12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch Break
4. 1:00pm-2:30pm : “Introduction to Novel IVF Treatments for Women with Low Ovarian Reserve” Dr. Zaher Merhi MD, FACOG, HCLD, Medical Director and Founder of Rejuvenating Fertility Center
4. 2:30pm-4:00pm 【劫刺法的实际操作演示一一某些"疑难病"的治疗思路】 王少白 教授
Course Schedule:
刘宏伟,医学博士,美国纽约执照针灸师 (Licensed Acupuncturist) ; Diplomate of Acupuncture and Diplomate of Chinese Herbology (NCCAOM)。现任美国纽约中医针灸博士治疗中心主任。
1983年毕业河北医科大学中医系,获医学学士学位;1984年至1987年考入贵阳中医药大学,师从著名中医内科专家王祖雄教授(南京名医—张简斋弟子),从事“李东垣—脾胃学说”研究,获医学硕士学位;1988年至1991年考入北京中国中医科学院,师从著名中医肾病学家,中医肾病泰斗时振声教授,从事中医内科肾病研究,获医学博士学位。毕业后留校在中国中医科学院研究生院和西苑医院肾病科跟随时振声教授从事临床、科研及教学工作十余年。2000年初来美,先后在美国国际中医学院(International institute of Chinese Medicine),太平洋中医学院(Pacific College of Health and Science), 纽约健康学院(New York College of Health Profession), 摩西大学(Mercy College), 杜鲁大学(Touro College)等从事中医针灸教学及临床工作。现在纽约曼哈顿和长岛开诊行医。
九二年 旅居美国纽约,开设中医妇科及不孕症专科诊所。她将两位导师 “以肾为本” 的学术思想实践于临床,总结出一套针药罐结合的补肾归原助孕法,首倡 “育种子、培土壤、调气候” 的理念和大法,及“五期三法”的新调周法于临床不孕症的调治;取得良好成绩。曾受邀在NBC Today's Show上演示针灸拔火罐治疗不孕症 ;还曾在美国中文电视台纽约会客室介绍中医治疗不孕症的优势和特点,为在海外弦杨中医贡献一己之力。
王少白教授,美国纽约执照针灸师。1983年河南 中医学院中医系本科毕业,1988年广州中医 学院针灸硕士毕业,师从司徒铃、靳瑞教授, 1991年首批"靳三针"破格徒弟,1991年哥 仑比亚大学医学院访问教授、postdoctoral research fellow 及research scientist,2016
年起任河南中医药大学校外兼职教授,美国中医药针灸学 会常务副会长,2024年起任会长。曾任世中联头针专业委 会副主席。1998年在中国旅美中医院校同学会成立过程中 坚持学术第一、办杂志、定期学术交流、讲座,以提高从业 人员的学术能力、水平和地位,被推荐为首任学术部长,使 美东中医针灸学术交流在改革开放后开启了先河。 2015年 学术首次提出"糖针-舒适化针灸"概念,引起海内外大多 数针灸医生的共鸣,得到业界的认同和鼓励。毕业以来共发 表专业图书章节、学术论文四十余篇。现在纽约曼哈顿开 中医针灸诊所,病人包括某些 国家领导人、一些名医和许 多名人。来美后曾接受过多家媒体包括电视如CBS News、 NBC News article, 巴莎时尚杂志Harper's BAZAAR Magazine、报纸如中国中医药报、China Daily等的采访, 及多次受邀到多所大学及医学院和机构包括哈佛大学及医 学院,哥仑比亚大学医学院,NYU及医学院,西奈山医学院 ,康奈尔大学医学院,Colgate 公司等讲解中医针灸。
Speaker Profiles:
Dr. Liu Hongwei, MD, Licensed Acupuncturist in New York, Diplomate of Acupuncture and Diplomate of Chinese Herbology (NCCAOM). Currently, he is the Director of the American Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Doctor Treatment Center in New York. He graduated from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Hebei Medical University in 1983 with a Bachelor of Medicine degree. From 1984 to 1987, he studied under the renowned traditional Chinese medicine internal medicine expert Professor Wang Zuxiong (a disciple of the famous Nanjing physician Zhang Jianzhai) at the Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, focusing on the "Li Dongyuan—Spleen and Stomach Theory" research, and obtained a Master of Medicine degree. From 1988 to 1991, he studied under the famous traditional Chinese medicine nephrologist and Chinese medicine nephrology leader Professor Shi Zhensheng at the Beijing Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, focusing on the research of traditional Chinese medicine internal medicine nephrology, and obtained a Doctor of Medicine degree. After graduation, he stayed at the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Graduate School and Xiyuan Hospital Nephrology Department in China to engage in clinical, scientific research, and teaching work for more than ten years. In early 2000, he came to the United States and successively worked in the International Institute of Chinese Medicine, Pacific College of Health and Science, New York College of Health Professions, Mercy College, Touro College, etc., engaging in teaching and clinical work in traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture. He is currently practicing medicine in Manhattan and Long Island, New York.
Dr. Zheng Guoping:
Dr. Zheng Guoping, founder of the New York Traditional Chinese Medicine Gynecology and Infertility Center, inheritor of Roche's gynecology in North America, Executive Director of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Gynecology Special Committee, and former Vice President of the American Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Society. Dr. Zheng Guoping graduated from Fujian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in his early years. In 1982, he entered Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine to pursue a master's degree in gynecology, studying under the famous gynecologist Professor Huang Shengwu. Later, in 1986, he entered Guangzhou College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, studying under the famous traditional Chinese medicine gynecology leader Professor Luo Yuankai, and pursued a doctorate degree, specializing in the impact of traditional Chinese medicine on female endocrine. He has published more than fifty academic papers. In 1992, he moved to New York, USA, and opened a specialist clinic for traditional Chinese medicine gynecology and infertility. She practiced the academic thoughts of her two mentors "based on the kidney" in clinical practice, summarized a set of kidney-replenishing and pregnancy-assisting methods combining acupuncture, medicine, and cupping, proposed the concept and method of "breeding seeds, cultivating soil, and adjusting climate", and the "five-phase three-method" new kidney-based method for the clinical treatment of infertility; achieved good results. She was invited to demonstrate acupuncture and cupping therapy for infertility on NBC's Today's Show; she also introduced the advantages and characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine in treating infertility in the New York meeting room of the American Chinese TV station, contributing her own strength to the overseas development of traditional Chinese medicine.
Dr. Zaher Merhi MD
Bio : Dr. Merhi is an internationally recognized fertility doctor, lecturer, editor, and grant reviewer. His training and faculty appointments included Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NYU School of Medicine, and University of Vermont. He is currently a Professor at SUNY Downstate University and Maimonides Medical Center, and the Director of the Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Fellowship program. He has three American Board certifications in OB/GYN, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, and High-Complexity Laboratory Director (HCLD).
Dr Merhi is an active researcher with an interest in women with Low Ovarian Reserve (low AMH or high FSH), ovarian rejuvenation, gentle stimulation IVF, natural IVF, and IVF without injectables. His research also focuses on technologies, such as Ozone Sauna, that could improve egg quality especially in women with endometriosis, immune disorders, and PCOS.
Dr Merhi was awarded as the best GYN and reproductive endocrinologist by New York Magazine and serves as a Chair, on several committees such as the NIH, ASRM, New England Fertility Society, Society for Reproductive Investigation (SRI), and Endocrine Society. He also published numerous articles and books. He presents on many medias and TV shows such as CNN, MSNBC, ABC news etc.
DR. Merhi uses his extensive research background to provide the most up-to-date medical advances in infertility treatments to his patients, such as PRP ovarian rejuvenation and others.
Professor Wang Shaobai, Licensed Acupuncturist in New York, graduated from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Henan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1983, and obtained his master's degree in acupuncture from Guangzhou College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1988, studying under Professors Situ Ling and Jin Rui. In 1991, he became one of the first disciples to learn the "Jin San Needle" technique. In 1991, he was a visiting professor, postdoctoral research fellow, and research scientist at Columbia University College of Medicine. Since 2016, he has been a part-time professor at Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Executive Vice President of the American Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Society, and the President since 2024. He was also the Vice Chairman of the World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Special Committee. In 1998, during the establishment of the Chinese-American Alumni Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Schools, he insisted on putting academics first, publishing magazines, organizing regular academic exchanges and lectures to improve the academic ability, level, and status of practitioners, and was recommended as the first Minister of Academics, paving the way for academic exchanges in Eastern Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture after the reform and opening up. In 2015, he first proposed the concept of "Sugar Needle-Comfortable Acupuncture," which resonated with many acupuncture doctors at home and abroad and was recognized and encouraged by the industry. Since graduation, he has published more than forty professional book chapters and academic papers. He currently operates a traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture clinic in Manhattan, New York, with patients including some national leaders, some famous doctors, and many celebrities. After coming to the United States, he has been interviewed by many media outlets, including television such as CBS News and NBC News, magazines such as Harper's BAZAAR Magazine, newspapers such as China Traditional Chinese Medicine and China Daily, and has been invited to many universities and medical schools and institutions, including Harvard University and Medical School, Columbia University College of Medicine, NYU and Medical School, Mount Sinai Medical School, Cornell University Medical School, and Colgate Company, to explain traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture.
晚上将举行学会成立17周年和换届典礼晚宴,届时有抽奖和文艺演出, 欢迎大家参加并展现您的才艺。请把时间留给我们。
The American Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Society will hold a seminar on the clinical treatment experience of reproductive system disorders in Chinese and Western medicine on the day of the National Medicine Festival on March 17th. The speakers for this seminar are Dr. Liu Hongwei, Vice President of the American Traditional Chinese Medicine Society, Dr. Zheng Guoping, former Vice President of the American Traditional Chinese Medicine Society, and a Western medicine expert. Their topics are as follows: 1. Acupuncture treatment of male infertility; 2. Treatment of infertility with a new kidney-based Chinese medicine adjustment method; 3. Explanation of Western medicine IVF. To meet everyone's demand for acupuncture practice, a practical demonstration of the "Jie Ci Method" by Professor Wang Shaobai, the 7th President of the Society, will be arranged to discuss the treatment ideas for certain "difficult diseases". In the evening, the Society's 17th anniversary and inauguration ceremony dinner will be held, featuring a lottery and cultural performances. Everyone is welcome to participate and showcase your talent. Please save the date for us.
1. 9:00am—10:30am 【男性不育的中医针灸治疗】 刘宏伟博士
2. 10:30am—12pm 【以肾为本的中医新调周法治疗不孕症】 郑国平博士
3. 12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch Break
4. 1:00pm-2:30pm : “Introduction to Novel IVF Treatments for Women with Low Ovarian Reserve” Dr. Zaher Merhi MD, FACOG, HCLD, Medical Director and Founder of Rejuvenating Fertility Center
4. 2:30pm-4:00pm 【劫刺法的实际操作演示一一某些"疑难病"的治疗思路】 王少白 教授
Course Schedule:
- 9:00 am—10:30 am: "Acupuncture Treatment of Male Infertility" by Dr. Liu Hongwei
- 10:30 am—12:00 pm: "Treatment of Infertility with a New Kidney-based Chinese Medicine Adjustment Method" by Dr. Zheng Guoping
- 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm: Lunch Break
- 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm: "Introduction to Novel IVF Treatments for Women with Low Ovarian Reserve" by Dr. Zaher Merhi MD, FACOG, HCLD, Medical Director and Founder of Rejuvenating Fertility Center
- 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm: "Practical Demonstration of the 'Jie Ci Method' and Treatment Ideas for Certain 'Difficult Diseases'" by Professor Wang Shaobai
刘宏伟,医学博士,美国纽约执照针灸师 (Licensed Acupuncturist) ; Diplomate of Acupuncture and Diplomate of Chinese Herbology (NCCAOM)。现任美国纽约中医针灸博士治疗中心主任。
1983年毕业河北医科大学中医系,获医学学士学位;1984年至1987年考入贵阳中医药大学,师从著名中医内科专家王祖雄教授(南京名医—张简斋弟子),从事“李东垣—脾胃学说”研究,获医学硕士学位;1988年至1991年考入北京中国中医科学院,师从著名中医肾病学家,中医肾病泰斗时振声教授,从事中医内科肾病研究,获医学博士学位。毕业后留校在中国中医科学院研究生院和西苑医院肾病科跟随时振声教授从事临床、科研及教学工作十余年。2000年初来美,先后在美国国际中医学院(International institute of Chinese Medicine),太平洋中医学院(Pacific College of Health and Science), 纽约健康学院(New York College of Health Profession), 摩西大学(Mercy College), 杜鲁大学(Touro College)等从事中医针灸教学及临床工作。现在纽约曼哈顿和长岛开诊行医。
九二年 旅居美国纽约,开设中医妇科及不孕症专科诊所。她将两位导师 “以肾为本” 的学术思想实践于临床,总结出一套针药罐结合的补肾归原助孕法,首倡 “育种子、培土壤、调气候” 的理念和大法,及“五期三法”的新调周法于临床不孕症的调治;取得良好成绩。曾受邀在NBC Today's Show上演示针灸拔火罐治疗不孕症 ;还曾在美国中文电视台纽约会客室介绍中医治疗不孕症的优势和特点,为在海外弦杨中医贡献一己之力。
王少白教授,美国纽约执照针灸师。1983年河南 中医学院中医系本科毕业,1988年广州中医 学院针灸硕士毕业,师从司徒铃、靳瑞教授, 1991年首批"靳三针"破格徒弟,1991年哥 仑比亚大学医学院访问教授、postdoctoral research fellow 及research scientist,2016
年起任河南中医药大学校外兼职教授,美国中医药针灸学 会常务副会长,2024年起任会长。曾任世中联头针专业委 会副主席。1998年在中国旅美中医院校同学会成立过程中 坚持学术第一、办杂志、定期学术交流、讲座,以提高从业 人员的学术能力、水平和地位,被推荐为首任学术部长,使 美东中医针灸学术交流在改革开放后开启了先河。 2015年 学术首次提出"糖针-舒适化针灸"概念,引起海内外大多 数针灸医生的共鸣,得到业界的认同和鼓励。毕业以来共发 表专业图书章节、学术论文四十余篇。现在纽约曼哈顿开 中医针灸诊所,病人包括某些 国家领导人、一些名医和许 多名人。来美后曾接受过多家媒体包括电视如CBS News、 NBC News article, 巴莎时尚杂志Harper's BAZAAR Magazine、报纸如中国中医药报、China Daily等的采访, 及多次受邀到多所大学及医学院和机构包括哈佛大学及医 学院,哥仑比亚大学医学院,NYU及医学院,西奈山医学院 ,康奈尔大学医学院,Colgate 公司等讲解中医针灸。
Speaker Profiles:
Dr. Liu Hongwei, MD, Licensed Acupuncturist in New York, Diplomate of Acupuncture and Diplomate of Chinese Herbology (NCCAOM). Currently, he is the Director of the American Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Doctor Treatment Center in New York. He graduated from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Hebei Medical University in 1983 with a Bachelor of Medicine degree. From 1984 to 1987, he studied under the renowned traditional Chinese medicine internal medicine expert Professor Wang Zuxiong (a disciple of the famous Nanjing physician Zhang Jianzhai) at the Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, focusing on the "Li Dongyuan—Spleen and Stomach Theory" research, and obtained a Master of Medicine degree. From 1988 to 1991, he studied under the famous traditional Chinese medicine nephrologist and Chinese medicine nephrology leader Professor Shi Zhensheng at the Beijing Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, focusing on the research of traditional Chinese medicine internal medicine nephrology, and obtained a Doctor of Medicine degree. After graduation, he stayed at the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Graduate School and Xiyuan Hospital Nephrology Department in China to engage in clinical, scientific research, and teaching work for more than ten years. In early 2000, he came to the United States and successively worked in the International Institute of Chinese Medicine, Pacific College of Health and Science, New York College of Health Professions, Mercy College, Touro College, etc., engaging in teaching and clinical work in traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture. He is currently practicing medicine in Manhattan and Long Island, New York.
Dr. Zheng Guoping:
Dr. Zheng Guoping, founder of the New York Traditional Chinese Medicine Gynecology and Infertility Center, inheritor of Roche's gynecology in North America, Executive Director of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Gynecology Special Committee, and former Vice President of the American Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Society. Dr. Zheng Guoping graduated from Fujian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in his early years. In 1982, he entered Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine to pursue a master's degree in gynecology, studying under the famous gynecologist Professor Huang Shengwu. Later, in 1986, he entered Guangzhou College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, studying under the famous traditional Chinese medicine gynecology leader Professor Luo Yuankai, and pursued a doctorate degree, specializing in the impact of traditional Chinese medicine on female endocrine. He has published more than fifty academic papers. In 1992, he moved to New York, USA, and opened a specialist clinic for traditional Chinese medicine gynecology and infertility. She practiced the academic thoughts of her two mentors "based on the kidney" in clinical practice, summarized a set of kidney-replenishing and pregnancy-assisting methods combining acupuncture, medicine, and cupping, proposed the concept and method of "breeding seeds, cultivating soil, and adjusting climate", and the "five-phase three-method" new kidney-based method for the clinical treatment of infertility; achieved good results. She was invited to demonstrate acupuncture and cupping therapy for infertility on NBC's Today's Show; she also introduced the advantages and characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine in treating infertility in the New York meeting room of the American Chinese TV station, contributing her own strength to the overseas development of traditional Chinese medicine.
Dr. Zaher Merhi MD
Bio : Dr. Merhi is an internationally recognized fertility doctor, lecturer, editor, and grant reviewer. His training and faculty appointments included Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NYU School of Medicine, and University of Vermont. He is currently a Professor at SUNY Downstate University and Maimonides Medical Center, and the Director of the Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Fellowship program. He has three American Board certifications in OB/GYN, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, and High-Complexity Laboratory Director (HCLD).
Dr Merhi is an active researcher with an interest in women with Low Ovarian Reserve (low AMH or high FSH), ovarian rejuvenation, gentle stimulation IVF, natural IVF, and IVF without injectables. His research also focuses on technologies, such as Ozone Sauna, that could improve egg quality especially in women with endometriosis, immune disorders, and PCOS.
Dr Merhi was awarded as the best GYN and reproductive endocrinologist by New York Magazine and serves as a Chair, on several committees such as the NIH, ASRM, New England Fertility Society, Society for Reproductive Investigation (SRI), and Endocrine Society. He also published numerous articles and books. He presents on many medias and TV shows such as CNN, MSNBC, ABC news etc.
DR. Merhi uses his extensive research background to provide the most up-to-date medical advances in infertility treatments to his patients, such as PRP ovarian rejuvenation and others.
Professor Wang Shaobai, Licensed Acupuncturist in New York, graduated from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Henan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1983, and obtained his master's degree in acupuncture from Guangzhou College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1988, studying under Professors Situ Ling and Jin Rui. In 1991, he became one of the first disciples to learn the "Jin San Needle" technique. In 1991, he was a visiting professor, postdoctoral research fellow, and research scientist at Columbia University College of Medicine. Since 2016, he has been a part-time professor at Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Executive Vice President of the American Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Society, and the President since 2024. He was also the Vice Chairman of the World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Special Committee. In 1998, during the establishment of the Chinese-American Alumni Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Schools, he insisted on putting academics first, publishing magazines, organizing regular academic exchanges and lectures to improve the academic ability, level, and status of practitioners, and was recommended as the first Minister of Academics, paving the way for academic exchanges in Eastern Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture after the reform and opening up. In 2015, he first proposed the concept of "Sugar Needle-Comfortable Acupuncture," which resonated with many acupuncture doctors at home and abroad and was recognized and encouraged by the industry. Since graduation, he has published more than forty professional book chapters and academic papers. He currently operates a traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture clinic in Manhattan, New York, with patients including some national leaders, some famous doctors, and many celebrities. After coming to the United States, he has been interviewed by many media outlets, including television such as CBS News and NBC News, magazines such as Harper's BAZAAR Magazine, newspapers such as China Traditional Chinese Medicine and China Daily, and has been invited to many universities and medical schools and institutions, including Harvard University and Medical School, Columbia University College of Medicine, NYU and Medical School, Mount Sinai Medical School, Cornell University Medical School, and Colgate Company, to explain traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture.
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