🌟美国中医药针灸学会(American TCM Society)为应对鸦片危机和推广针灸防治痛症,将于六月底在纽约举办痛症专科高级培训班及针灸痛症论坛。旨在为针灸师提供一个痛症专业的进修机会及同顶级专家交流对话的平台。
🌟1. 针灸痛症专科培训班:
6月29-7月1日,包括 二天精品课程(周五、六)、周六晚宴和主题讲演、及周日一天针灸痛症论坛,专为执照开诊3年以上的资深针灸师设计,并于结束时颁发证书。为保障质量,仅限50名额,先到先得.
🌟2. 针灸痛症论坛:
🌟3. 单注册周六晚宴及主题演讲$100
🌟4. 注册:atcms.org/PayPal.html
🌟5. 支票报名请寄支票
payable:ATCMS. Sophia liao 2915 Astoria Blvd. Astoria NY 11102
🌟【协办单位】(排名不分先后)-- 纽约州执照针灸师联合公会United Alliance of New York State Licensed Acupuncturists(UANYSLA)
-- 美国麻州中医学会Massachusetts Society of Chinese Medicine(MSCM)
--加拿大安省中医师针灸师公会Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Partitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (ATCMPAO)
--乔治亚州中华针灸师联合会 Chinese Acupuncture Alliance of Georgia(CAAG)
--纽约中医学院 New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine(NYCTCM)
-- 美国中医学院 American Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine( AAAOM)
--佛罗里达州中医学会 Florida Acupuncture Association (FAA)
-- NJAAOM (The New Jersey Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine )
-- 康奈尔大学医学院Weill Cornell Medicine
-- ASNY ( Acupuncture Society of New York)
-- 中国中医科学院 针灸研究所 China Academy of Chinese Medicine Acupuncture research institue
-- 广州中医药大学 Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine (GZUCM)
--福建中医药大学 Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (FJUTCM)
-- 浙江中医药大学 Zhejiang university of Chinese Medicine (ZJUTCM)
-- 成都中医药大学 Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( CDUCM)
-- 约翰霍普金斯医学院John Hopkins school of Medicine
🌟1. 针灸痛症专科培训班:
6月29-7月1日,包括 二天精品课程(周五、六)、周六晚宴和主题讲演、及周日一天针灸痛症论坛,专为执照开诊3年以上的资深针灸师设计,并于结束时颁发证书。为保障质量,仅限50名额,先到先得.
🌟2. 针灸痛症论坛:
🌟3. 单注册周六晚宴及主题演讲$100
🌟4. 注册:atcms.org/PayPal.html
🌟5. 支票报名请寄支票
payable:ATCMS. Sophia liao 2915 Astoria Blvd. Astoria NY 11102
🌟【协办单位】(排名不分先后)-- 纽约州执照针灸师联合公会United Alliance of New York State Licensed Acupuncturists(UANYSLA)
-- 美国麻州中医学会Massachusetts Society of Chinese Medicine(MSCM)
--加拿大安省中医师针灸师公会Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Partitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (ATCMPAO)
--乔治亚州中华针灸师联合会 Chinese Acupuncture Alliance of Georgia(CAAG)
--纽约中医学院 New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine(NYCTCM)
-- 美国中医学院 American Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine( AAAOM)
--佛罗里达州中医学会 Florida Acupuncture Association (FAA)
-- NJAAOM (The New Jersey Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine )
-- 康奈尔大学医学院Weill Cornell Medicine
-- ASNY ( Acupuncture Society of New York)
-- 中国中医科学院 针灸研究所 China Academy of Chinese Medicine Acupuncture research institue
-- 广州中医药大学 Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine (GZUCM)
--福建中医药大学 Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (FJUTCM)
-- 浙江中医药大学 Zhejiang university of Chinese Medicine (ZJUTCM)
-- 成都中医药大学 Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( CDUCM)
-- 约翰霍普金斯医学院John Hopkins school of Medicine
Seminar Schedule
6月30日周六 上午 June 30, Saturday Morning 8:00-12:00pm1. Dr. Mark Green
What is Migraine and Does Acupuncture have a Role? Mount Sinai School of Medicine 2. Dr. Shengping Zou Opioid Crisis and Acupunctures Role in Prevention NYU Langone Health 3. Dr. Cece Chen Recent Advances in Pain Management and Non-drug Approaches, NYU Langone Health 6月30日周六下午 June 30, Saturday Afternoon 1:00-4:30pm1.王家蓓博士Dr. Jiabei Wang
Mechanistic study of opioid addiction and Drug Developments for Addiction Treatment, University of Maryland 2.Dr. Steven P. Cohen Clinical Trial Design for Pain Management Interventions Johns Hopkins Medicine 6/30星期六论坛招待晚宴
7/1 周日论坛 Sunday Forum上午Morning
1. 方剑乔博士Dr. Jianqiao Fang个人最佳针灸治痛经验The Best Personal Experience with Acupuncture for Pain浙江中医药大学Zhejiang University of Chinese Medicine
2. Dr. Neel Mehta美国医院和非医院的疼痛管理Pain Management in Hospital and Non-hospital Settings in USA康奈尔大学医学院Weill Cornell Medicine
3. 王家蓓博士Dr. Jiabei Wang鸦片类药物研究展望Future research for opioids马里兰大学University of Maryland
4. 梁繁荣博士Dr. Fanrong Liang个人最佳针灸治痛经验The Best Personal Experience with Acupuncture for Pain成都中医药大学Chengdu University of TCM
5. 许能贵博士Dr. Nenggui Xu个人最佳针灸治痛经验The Best Personal Experience with Acupuncture for Pain广州中医药大学Guangzhou University of TCM
6. 李燕梅教授Dr. Yanmei Li中医治疗偏头痛TCM Treatment for Migraine河南中医药大学Henan University of TCM
7. 刘京博士Dr. Jing Liu痛症的系统治疗: 针刺与功能结构调整Systemic treatment for pain with acupuncture : regulating body function and structure 波士顿刘京针灸中心Boston Center of Liu Jing Acupuncture
8. 赵软金博士Dr. Ruanjin Zhao针灸中药对临床常见难治性疼痛的有效干预Alleviate the Common Clinically Intractable Pain with TCM佛州H.李墨特研究所肿瘤中心H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
2. Dr. Neel Mehta美国医院和非医院的疼痛管理Pain Management in Hospital and Non-hospital Settings in USA康奈尔大学医学院Weill Cornell Medicine
3. 王家蓓博士Dr. Jiabei Wang鸦片类药物研究展望Future research for opioids马里兰大学University of Maryland
4. 梁繁荣博士Dr. Fanrong Liang个人最佳针灸治痛经验The Best Personal Experience with Acupuncture for Pain成都中医药大学Chengdu University of TCM
5. 许能贵博士Dr. Nenggui Xu个人最佳针灸治痛经验The Best Personal Experience with Acupuncture for Pain广州中医药大学Guangzhou University of TCM
6. 李燕梅教授Dr. Yanmei Li中医治疗偏头痛TCM Treatment for Migraine河南中医药大学Henan University of TCM
7. 刘京博士Dr. Jing Liu痛症的系统治疗: 针刺与功能结构调整Systemic treatment for pain with acupuncture : regulating body function and structure 波士顿刘京针灸中心Boston Center of Liu Jing Acupuncture
8. 赵软金博士Dr. Ruanjin Zhao针灸中药对临床常见难治性疼痛的有效干预Alleviate the Common Clinically Intractable Pain with TCM佛州H.李墨特研究所肿瘤中心H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
7/1周日下午分会场 Sunday Afternoon Sessions
Room 1
吴强博士Dr. Qiang Wu经络刮疗的实际操作Scrapping Therapy Demo福建中医药大学Fujiang University of TCM
刘宝库医师Dr. Baoku Liu软组织疤痕针刺松解术Acupuncture for Soft Tissue Knot/Scar Reduction美国中医药针灸学会ATCMS
Room 2
赵软金博士Dr. Ruanjin Zhao针灸中药对临床常见难治性疼痛的有效干预Alleviate the Common Clinically Intractable Pain with TCM佛州H.李墨特研究所肿瘤中心H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
陈德成博士Dr. Decheng Chen动筋针法治疗软组织损伤Kinetic Acupuncture for Soft Tissue Injuries纽约德成针灸中心New York Center of Decheng Acupuncture
Room 3
冷三华博士Dr. Sanhua Leng逆向经络针刺疗法Dr. Leng's Special Acupuncture Method for Pain美国中医药针灸学会ATCMS
Room 4
刘京博士Dr. Jing Liu痛症的系统治疗: 针刺与功能结构调整Systemic treatment for pain with acupuncture : regulating body function and structure
波士顿刘京针灸中心Boston Center of Liu Jing Acupuncture
Room 5
徐俊博士 Dr. Jun Xu MD 结合中医针灸与西医康复诊治Fibromyalgia 和RSDFibromyalgia and RSD treatment by acupuncture combined rehabilitation 美国中医药针灸学会ATCMS
吴强博士Dr. Qiang Wu经络刮疗的实际操作Scrapping Therapy Demo福建中医药大学Fujiang University of TCM
刘宝库医师Dr. Baoku Liu软组织疤痕针刺松解术Acupuncture for Soft Tissue Knot/Scar Reduction美国中医药针灸学会ATCMS
Room 2
赵软金博士Dr. Ruanjin Zhao针灸中药对临床常见难治性疼痛的有效干预Alleviate the Common Clinically Intractable Pain with TCM佛州H.李墨特研究所肿瘤中心H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
陈德成博士Dr. Decheng Chen动筋针法治疗软组织损伤Kinetic Acupuncture for Soft Tissue Injuries纽约德成针灸中心New York Center of Decheng Acupuncture
Room 3
冷三华博士Dr. Sanhua Leng逆向经络针刺疗法Dr. Leng's Special Acupuncture Method for Pain美国中医药针灸学会ATCMS
Room 4
刘京博士Dr. Jing Liu痛症的系统治疗: 针刺与功能结构调整Systemic treatment for pain with acupuncture : regulating body function and structure
波士顿刘京针灸中心Boston Center of Liu Jing Acupuncture
Room 5
徐俊博士 Dr. Jun Xu MD 结合中医针灸与西医康复诊治Fibromyalgia 和RSDFibromyalgia and RSD treatment by acupuncture combined rehabilitation 美国中医药针灸学会ATCMS
Keynote Speakers
朱兵教授 题目:痛与穴
方剑乔教授 题目:疼痛认识与针刺镇痛--新理论新疗法
吴强教授 题目: 经络刮疗在临床镇痛中的应用
冷三华博士 题目:逆向刺激疗法在颈部痛症中的运用
刘京博士 题目:针灸治疗疼痛经验
【演讲概要】镇痛的针刺治疗总体上分为系统或整体治疗与局部治疗。 系统治疗的选穴的观点基于疼痛与大脑、植物神经及内分泌系统的参与有关,选穴包括头皮针、耳穴及特定传统穴位。局部治疗重点介绍近端和远端敏化点和反射点的取穴规律。为达到即时及长期的疗效,刘医生将特别介绍多年总结出来的肌筋骨骼机能调整技术与针刺的整合疗法。
导引推拿是刘京医生潜心20余年总结的一系列行至有效的推拿拉筋疗法。 借此也为针刺技术的提高获得很多灵感。导引推拿是在传统推拿的基础上整合了西方医学的一些治疗关节、肌筋疾患的技术。 主要演示如下部位功能结构和疾患的手法调整:骨盆不正(包括梨状肌、腰大肌)
【刘京博士简介】刘京, 医学博士,长期从事中医临床工作。目前兼职从事中药产品和医疗仪器的研发。他曾在波士顿 Mount Auburn Hospital的 The Morino Center 整合医学中心工作10 年。刘京医生将现代医学与传统针灸整合,潜心追求快速而疗效持久的治疗效果, 即经络、神经生理、及机能结构的整合疗法。刘医生创立并连续5年义务教授太极导引,培训师资,已经有超过5000 人次接受了培训。
导引推拿是刘京医生潜心20余年总结的一系列行至有效的推拿拉筋疗法。 借此也为针刺技术的提高获得很多灵感。导引推拿是在传统推拿的基础上整合了西方医学的一些治疗关节、肌筋疾患的技术。 主要演示如下部位功能结构和疾患的手法调整:骨盆不正(包括梨状肌、腰大肌)
【刘京博士简介】刘京, 医学博士,长期从事中医临床工作。目前兼职从事中药产品和医疗仪器的研发。他曾在波士顿 Mount Auburn Hospital的 The Morino Center 整合医学中心工作10 年。刘京医生将现代医学与传统针灸整合,潜心追求快速而疗效持久的治疗效果, 即经络、神经生理、及机能结构的整合疗法。刘医生创立并连续5年义务教授太极导引,培训师资,已经有超过5000 人次接受了培训。
李燕梅教授 题目:中医治疗偏头痛
【李燕梅教授简介】李燕梅,女,教授、主任医师、 硕士研究生导师。河南中医药大学第一附属医院脑病一区名誉主任。河南中医药大学头痛研究所所长,河南中西医结合学会头痛分会主任委员、河南省康复教育学会副会长 、河南省中医药学会中医全科分会副主任委员、中华中医药学会脑病分会常务委员、中国微循环学会神经变性病专业委员会常务委员、中国民族医药学会脑病分会常务理事。长期从事中医、中西医结合诊治头痛、脑梗死、脑出血、眩晕、帕金森病、顽固性失眠等脑病以及内科疑难杂病的临床及研究,主持"头痛的辨证及用药规律的研究"等国家及省部级科研课题多项并获奖
【李燕梅教授简介】李燕梅,女,教授、主任医师、 硕士研究生导师。河南中医药大学第一附属医院脑病一区名誉主任。河南中医药大学头痛研究所所长,河南中西医结合学会头痛分会主任委员、河南省康复教育学会副会长 、河南省中医药学会中医全科分会副主任委员、中华中医药学会脑病分会常务委员、中国微循环学会神经变性病专业委员会常务委员、中国民族医药学会脑病分会常务理事。长期从事中医、中西医结合诊治头痛、脑梗死、脑出血、眩晕、帕金森病、顽固性失眠等脑病以及内科疑难杂病的临床及研究,主持"头痛的辨证及用药规律的研究"等国家及省部级科研课题多项并获奖
Dr. Mark Green 题目: What is Migraine and Does Acupuncture have a Role?
【演讲概要】Headache is among the most common reason for a visit to a healthcare provider or the emergency room. It accounts for $17 billion in direct and indirect costs in the United States.This talk with review the many symptoms of migraine, the current understanding of the pathophysiology of migraine, current and upcoming medical therapies and non-medication therapies used in the treatment migraine and review the more recent studies on the application of acupuncture to the treatment armamentarium.
The current preventive agents for migraine are, at best, 50% effective in 50% of patients. Furthermore, the highest prevalence of migraine is in women of child bearing years, making the availability of non-medication treatments essential.
【Dr. Mark W. Green简介】Dr. Mark W. Green is Director of the Center for Headache and Pain Medicine and Professor of Neurology and Anesthesiology at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. He recently came to Mount Sinai from Columbia University, where he was Director of Headache Medicine and Clinical Professor of Neurology (in Neurology, Anesthesiology and Dentistry) at the College of Physicians and Surgeons and the College of Dental Medicine. He is certified in Neurology by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and in Headache Medicine through the United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties. Dr. Green has been active in the practice of headache and facial pain since 1978. He has lectured throughout the world on this subject and has written numerous articles on various subjects concerning headache and facial pain.Accessed from mountsinai.org
The current preventive agents for migraine are, at best, 50% effective in 50% of patients. Furthermore, the highest prevalence of migraine is in women of child bearing years, making the availability of non-medication treatments essential.
【Dr. Mark W. Green简介】Dr. Mark W. Green is Director of the Center for Headache and Pain Medicine and Professor of Neurology and Anesthesiology at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. He recently came to Mount Sinai from Columbia University, where he was Director of Headache Medicine and Clinical Professor of Neurology (in Neurology, Anesthesiology and Dentistry) at the College of Physicians and Surgeons and the College of Dental Medicine. He is certified in Neurology by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and in Headache Medicine through the United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties. Dr. Green has been active in the practice of headache and facial pain since 1978. He has lectured throughout the world on this subject and has written numerous articles on various subjects concerning headache and facial pain.Accessed from mountsinai.org
Dr.Neel Mehta 题目:Pain management in hospital and non-hospital settings in the USA
【演讲概要】Dr. Mehta will speak on the latest opportunities for pain management, in a time of the opioid-crisis epidemic. He will speak to established alternative medications, interventional techniques, and the latest research. This will apply to both acute and chronic, outpatient and inpatient, post-operative vs non-surgical, and pediatric and adult care. He will show opportunities for integrative medicine to fill in the gap or complement current treatments, and hopes on pain prevention.
【Dr.Neel Mehta简介】Dr. Neel Mehta is both board-certified in Anesthesia, and fellowship trained, board- certified in Interventional Pain Medicine. He has been featured in the New York Times, Prevention Magazine, NY One, ABC, and CBS News. He has published numerous book chapters, peer-reviewed articles, and poster presentations and is a frequent invited speaker and educator at Pain conferences across the world.
【Dr.Neel Mehta简介】Dr. Neel Mehta is both board-certified in Anesthesia, and fellowship trained, board- certified in Interventional Pain Medicine. He has been featured in the New York Times, Prevention Magazine, NY One, ABC, and CBS News. He has published numerous book chapters, peer-reviewed articles, and poster presentations and is a frequent invited speaker and educator at Pain conferences across the world.
Dr. 陈德成 题目:动筋针法演示
DR. 梁繁荣
Dr. 许能贵
Emily Vertosick
Emily Vertosick is a Masters biostatistician at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. For the past five years, she has served as the statistician for the Acupuncture Trialists Collaboration, a large individual patient data meta-analysis on the use of acupuncture for chronic pain. She has also contributed to Cochrane reviews of acupuncture for chronic pain, as well as working on studies of acupuncture in cancer patients. Her other research focuses on urologic cancers, including prostate cancer screening and detection.
Dr. Shengping Zou
1986. Bachelorette of Medicine, Hunan Medical University, Changsha, Hunan, China 1998. Anesthesia residency, UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School 1999. Pain Medicine Fellowship, UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School 1999-present : Attending Anesthesiologist and Pain Medicine , NYU Langone Health2003-2007: Director of Pain Medicine. Belleve Hospital Centers, New York City2005-present: Program Director, NYU Pain Medicine Fellowship 2011-present:Medical Director, NYU Pain Medicine
Dr. Qian Cece Chen, MD
Instructor, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative Care, and Pain MedicineEducation and Training MD from Stanford University, 2011 Departments Anesthesiology, Perioperative Care, and Pain Medicine
Dr. 王家蓓
王家蓓,医学药理学博士,目前任美国马里兰大学药学院终身教授, 王家蓓博士在鸦片受体分子药理研究领域享有一定的学术声誉,她是人类鸦片受体和OFQ类鸦片受体克隆的首创人之一,并在受体结构与功能,信号传导和成瘾机理等方面做出了许多贡献。王家蓓博士的研究工作多年来一直得到美国国立卫生研究院及美国药业基金会的资助,其学术成果包括1项美国专利及80余篇发表在各种国际科学杂志上的学术文章, 多次被邀请参加和筹备组织国际学术会议, 参与美国国立卫生研究院课题资助评选工作及美国自然科学研究生奖学金项目评委。近年来,在Translational research方面有长足的发展,由她领导的1-THP戒毒方面的研发工作意义重大,NIDA/NIH的给予大力的基金支持,并于2010年荣获第一届Avant-Gande抗药物成瘾医药研发奖。
教育经历1982毕业于中国同济医学院,77级医疗系,医学学士 (MD)1985毕业于中国军事医学科学院, 生化药理学硕士学位 (MSc)1991 获美国马里兰大学医学药理学博士学位 (Ph.D.)
工作 经历终身教授 2006.1-至今 美国 美国马里兰大学药学院终身副教授 2000.9 2005.12美国 美国马里兰大学药学院助理教授 1995.3 2000.9 美国 美国马里兰大学药学院研究生院正式会员1998.8 - 至今 美国 美国马里兰大学助理研究员 1993.6-1995.2 美国 美国国立卫生研究院药物滥用研究所分子神经生物学实验室博士后研究员 1991.1-1993.5 美国 约翰斯·霍普金斯大学医学院神经科学院和美国 立卫生研究院药物滥用研究所分子神经生物学实验室研究实习员 1986.1-1987.7 中国军事医学科学院药理毒理研究所
教育经历1982毕业于中国同济医学院,77级医疗系,医学学士 (MD)1985毕业于中国军事医学科学院, 生化药理学硕士学位 (MSc)1991 获美国马里兰大学医学药理学博士学位 (Ph.D.)
工作 经历终身教授 2006.1-至今 美国 美国马里兰大学药学院终身副教授 2000.9 2005.12美国 美国马里兰大学药学院助理教授 1995.3 2000.9 美国 美国马里兰大学药学院研究生院正式会员1998.8 - 至今 美国 美国马里兰大学助理研究员 1993.6-1995.2 美国 美国国立卫生研究院药物滥用研究所分子神经生物学实验室博士后研究员 1991.1-1993.5 美国 约翰斯·霍普金斯大学医学院神经科学院和美国 立卫生研究院药物滥用研究所分子神经生物学实验室研究实习员 1986.1-1987.7 中国军事医学科学院药理毒理研究所
Dr. Jia Bei Wang, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Wang is a professor at School of Pharmacy, University of Maryland Baltimore, a faculty position she has held since 1995.
A medical graduate of Tongji Medical University from China in 1982 she moved to United States to pursue her research career in 1987. She received a Ph.D. degree in Pharmacology from University of Maryland, School of Medicine in 1991. After postdoctoral training at Johns Hopkins University and NIDA/NIH, she joined the faculty of School of Pharmacy as a tenure-track assistant professor in 1995, was promoted to associate professor with tenure in 2000 and full professor in 2006.
As a principal investigator with an established research program and national reputation in opioid receptor research her primary research is on drug addiction and mental illnesses,which has been continuously supported by NIDA/NIH for the last 20 years. She has published more than 80 scientific articles and reviews, and has awarded two patents for the discovery of human mu opioid receptor gene as well as the novel pharmacotherapy for cocaine addiction. She has trained many graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in her laboratory.
In addition to all her research endeavors, Dr. Wang is an enthusiastic teacher for the Pharm.D. students and contribute greatly to the University and scientific community; She serves as a regular member for NIH study sections for many years. She also is the principal of the local Chinese School since 1998.
A medical graduate of Tongji Medical University from China in 1982 she moved to United States to pursue her research career in 1987. She received a Ph.D. degree in Pharmacology from University of Maryland, School of Medicine in 1991. After postdoctoral training at Johns Hopkins University and NIDA/NIH, she joined the faculty of School of Pharmacy as a tenure-track assistant professor in 1995, was promoted to associate professor with tenure in 2000 and full professor in 2006.
As a principal investigator with an established research program and national reputation in opioid receptor research her primary research is on drug addiction and mental illnesses,which has been continuously supported by NIDA/NIH for the last 20 years. She has published more than 80 scientific articles and reviews, and has awarded two patents for the discovery of human mu opioid receptor gene as well as the novel pharmacotherapy for cocaine addiction. She has trained many graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in her laboratory.
In addition to all her research endeavors, Dr. Wang is an enthusiastic teacher for the Pharm.D. students and contribute greatly to the University and scientific community; She serves as a regular member for NIH study sections for many years. She also is the principal of the local Chinese School since 1998.
Dr. Steven P. Cohen
Dr. Steven P. Cohen obtained his medical degree at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, completed an anesthesiology residency at Columbia University, and a pain management fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital. Currently, he is Professor of Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine, as well as Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. He is also Director of the Blaustein Pain Treatment Center, Medical Education and Quality Assurance for the Pain Management Division at Johns Hopkins, and Director of Pain Research at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.Dr. Cohen has been very active in teaching and pain research in recent years, having published over 250 peer-reviewed articles, reviews and book chapters in the past 15 years. Among his major contributions are the development of an FDA-approved technique for treating sacroiliac joint pain (lateral branch radiofrequency denervation), inventing the intravenous ketamine test to help guide treatment in patients with chronic pain, and performing the first studies evaluating the epidural administration of biological agents for pain. These articles have been featured in some of the top general medical journals including "Lancet", "CMAJ", "BMJ", "Annals of Internal Medicine" and "JAMA-Internal Medicine". His research has been the subject of articles in the Science Section of the New York Times on 4 separate occasions. He has been the first author on the "Pain" chapter in the last 2 editions of "Cecil Textbook of Medicine", and was listed in 2014 as one of the top 10 experts in the world for back pain based on quantitative analysis of publications.In addition to his academic work, Dr. Cohen is a retired Colonel in the U.S. Army, and was deployed 4 times in support of operations in Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan. He also serves as the Reserve Liaison to the Pain Management Consultants to the U.S. Army and Navy Surgeons General. Dr. Cohen has previously presented data on pain management in service members to the U.S. Congress, FDA and General Officers. His research was instrumental in the passage of the 2008 Military Pain Care Act, and he served as an inaugural member of the U.S. Army Medical Advisory Board. His previous awards include the American Society of Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine John J. Bonica Award, ASIPP Public Service Award, Donlin M. Long Pain Award, Michael J. Cousins Award Lecture, American Academy of Pain Medicine Founders Award, the Order of Military Medical Merit, and the Legion of Merit.Accessed from johnshopkins.org
Dr. 刘宝库
刘宝库医生,男,师从针灸大家张缙教授和"滞动针"发明人李振全教授。根据多年经验总结出了"筋膜瘢痕针刺理疗法"(scar tissue acupuncture )、"筋膜瘢痕穴"(scar tissue point)和筋膜瘢痕针刺松解疗法"(scar tissue acupuncture release technique(START)(简称"针刺松解术"),对很多痛症很有优势。刘宝库医生现任世界中医药联合会滞动针专业委员会副会长,世界针灸学会联合会中医针灸传承工作委员会常务理事;美国微信群针灸专家委员会副主任委员等多项荣誉职务。
Dr. 赵软金博士
赵软金博士行医逾三十年,其中二十多年在美国行医,是美国传统医学中心主任和AnFaLa药物公司的初创人。1984年毕业于河南中医学院,于同年考入北京中医药大学随医学大家、伤寒泰斗刘渡舟教授攻读硕士和博士学位。在读博士学位期间亦师从著名的组织胚胎学家贲长恩教授,接受实验医学的训练;以及肝胆病专家苏盛教授的临床教导。1990年完成博士学位并留在北京中医药大学的组织胚胎学教研室任教和作科研。一年后来到美国。行医、科研和教学,是H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center 的合作伙伴,是East and West College (中医学院)创始人之一。发表过多篇学术论文。著有《From Legend to Science》一书。对于肿瘤、自身免疫性疾病以及病毒性疾病有较深入的研究。开创了神香温通疗法,通过叫醒免疫系统来治疗癌症。研制和开发出几种极为高效的中药制剂,救治无数癌症患者。拥有光纤针灸针等多项发明专利。Dr. Ruan Jin Zhao is the director of The Center for Traditional Chines Medicine, Inc. in Sarasota Florida. He is also the owner of AnFaLa Pharmaceutical Corp. For over thirty years of clinical practice, he has invented and established the Shen Xiang Therapy for Cancer treat through waking up the immune system, which help and save many cancer patients lives. He earned his Ph.D. from Beijing University of TCM and Pharmacology 1990. He is an affiliated member of H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center. He also engaged himself in Lab. work, teaching of TCM, published many research articles and authored the book.He is one of the founders of East and West College, a well know school for acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in Florida.
Dr. XU JUN 徐俊
徐俊, 1984年江西中医学院医学学士毕业,1987年广州中医学院中西医结合免疫学硕士毕业。1988 年进入美国纽约爱因斯坦医学院分子生物学研究。1996 年进入美国纽约医学院康复医学系住院医学习,2000 年住院医毕业获得美国康复医学专科证书。现在为纽约医学院康复医学系助理教授,哥伦比亚大学附属斯坦福医院主治医师,美国康复医学学会会员,拥有美国西医和针灸执照。在美国期间,发表了两部专著和一些文章。从2013年开始多次去西非洲塞内加尔和几内亚比绍建立医院和学校。一生喜好文学,在纽约《世界日报》上多次发表过作品,并接受过美国 ABC 电视台"Good Morning America",美国第 12 电视台,中央电视台第四台,美国中文电视和《格林威治时报》多次访谈。