美國中醫藥針灸學會 Zoom School
北京时间 8月27(周六)-28(周日)早7:30-10:30点
美东时间 8月26(周五)-27(周六)晚7:30-10:30点
上课形式:3小时/ 节直播教学(理论教学+操作示范)+ 微信群答疑
学分:6 (NCCAOM);6 Florida CE
学生价:$60 (需学生ID,无学分)
美东时间 8月26(周五)-27(周六)晚7:30-10:30点
上课形式:3小时/ 节直播教学(理论教学+操作示范)+ 微信群答疑
学分:6 (NCCAOM);6 Florida CE
学生价:$60 (需学生ID,无学分)
Please add your State License Number and NCCAOM Number, if any, in the comment/note/remark area during payment.
or Using this link to provide us with your State License Number and NCCAOM Number
or Using this link to provide us with your State License Number and NCCAOM Number
如何将传统针灸穴位及功效与人体解剖及生理功能理性的整合? 如何从诊断、鉴别诊断,特殊检查、选穴,分析穴位,注意事项,运针方式、方法的考虑因素、以及肌肉、肌筋膜、软组织的牵拉、脊椎的牵引、关节松动、及功能锻练方式方法等与解剖和生理功能相整合?
讲授内容: (共6课,分成两晚讲座)The Essential Clinical Human Anatomy Lecture Series for Acupuncturists - The Third Series of lectures (total 6 lectures, presenting in two evenings)
第一讲:肩肱(肩部内在肌)肌肉;腋窝;腋动脉; 肩胛骨周围的动脉吻合;腋静脉; 腋窝淋巴结。Scapulohumeral (Intrinsic Shoulder) Muscles; Axilla (Armpit); Axillary Artery; Arterial Anastomoses around the Scapula; Axillary Vein; Axillary Lymph Nodes.
第二讲:臂丛;臂丛的锁骨上支;臂丛的锁骨下支;臂丛神经损伤;胸和肩胛区域表面解剖。Brachial Plexus; Supraclavicular Branches of the Brachial Plexus; Infraclavicular Branches of the Brachial Plexus; Brachial Plexus Injuries; Surface Anatomy of?the Pectoral and Scapular Regions.
第三讲:胸肌表面解剖和肩胛区;手臂;手臂肌肉;肱动脉。Surface Anatomy of the Pectoral and Scapular Regions; Arm; Muscles of the Arm; Brachial Artery.
第四讲:手臂深动脉;营养肱动脉;上尺侧副动脉;尺骨下侧支动脉;测量血压;肱动脉触诊;压迫肱动脉;手臂静脉;手臂神经;肌皮神经损伤;桡神经损伤;肘窝;静脉穿刺;手臂和肘窝的表面解剖.Deep Artery of the Arm; Nutrient Humeral Artery; Superior Ulnar Collateral Artery; Inferior Ulnar Collateral Artery; Measuring Blood Pressure; Palpation of the Brachial Pulse; Compressing the Brachial Artery; Veins of the Arm; Nerves of the Arm; Injury to the Musculocutaneous Nerve; Injury to the Radial Nerve; Cubital Fossa; Venipuncture; Surface Anatomy of the Arm and Cubital Fossa.
第五讲:手臂和肘窝的表面解剖;前臂; 前臂肌肉;前臂屈曲旋前肌组。Surface Anatomy of the Arm and Cubital Fossa; Forearm; Muscles of the Forearm; Flexor-Pronator Muscles of the Forearm.
第六讲:前臂屈曲旋前肌组;前臂伸肌组。Flexor-Pronator Muscles of the Forearm; Extensor Muscles of the Forearm.
如何将传统针灸穴位及功效与人体解剖及生理功能理性的整合? 如何从诊断、鉴别诊断,特殊检查、选穴,分析穴位,注意事项,运针方式、方法的考虑因素、以及肌肉、肌筋膜、软组织的牵拉、脊椎的牵引、关节松动、及功能锻练方式方法等与解剖和生理功能相整合?
讲授内容: (共6课,分成两晚讲座)The Essential Clinical Human Anatomy Lecture Series for Acupuncturists - The Third Series of lectures (total 6 lectures, presenting in two evenings)
第一讲:肩肱(肩部内在肌)肌肉;腋窝;腋动脉; 肩胛骨周围的动脉吻合;腋静脉; 腋窝淋巴结。Scapulohumeral (Intrinsic Shoulder) Muscles; Axilla (Armpit); Axillary Artery; Arterial Anastomoses around the Scapula; Axillary Vein; Axillary Lymph Nodes.
第二讲:臂丛;臂丛的锁骨上支;臂丛的锁骨下支;臂丛神经损伤;胸和肩胛区域表面解剖。Brachial Plexus; Supraclavicular Branches of the Brachial Plexus; Infraclavicular Branches of the Brachial Plexus; Brachial Plexus Injuries; Surface Anatomy of?the Pectoral and Scapular Regions.
第三讲:胸肌表面解剖和肩胛区;手臂;手臂肌肉;肱动脉。Surface Anatomy of the Pectoral and Scapular Regions; Arm; Muscles of the Arm; Brachial Artery.
第四讲:手臂深动脉;营养肱动脉;上尺侧副动脉;尺骨下侧支动脉;测量血压;肱动脉触诊;压迫肱动脉;手臂静脉;手臂神经;肌皮神经损伤;桡神经损伤;肘窝;静脉穿刺;手臂和肘窝的表面解剖.Deep Artery of the Arm; Nutrient Humeral Artery; Superior Ulnar Collateral Artery; Inferior Ulnar Collateral Artery; Measuring Blood Pressure; Palpation of the Brachial Pulse; Compressing the Brachial Artery; Veins of the Arm; Nerves of the Arm; Injury to the Musculocutaneous Nerve; Injury to the Radial Nerve; Cubital Fossa; Venipuncture; Surface Anatomy of the Arm and Cubital Fossa.
第五讲:手臂和肘窝的表面解剖;前臂; 前臂肌肉;前臂屈曲旋前肌组。Surface Anatomy of the Arm and Cubital Fossa; Forearm; Muscles of the Forearm; Flexor-Pronator Muscles of the Forearm.
第六讲:前臂屈曲旋前肌组;前臂伸肌组。Flexor-Pronator Muscles of the Forearm; Extensor Muscles of the Forearm.